Why you need Collagen for a healthier sex life (it gives the vagina that supple, elastic and “tight” feeling)

Why you need Collagen for a healthier sex life (it gives the vagina that supple, elastic and “tight” feeling)

why collagen is important for your sexual health

You already know that collagen is important for good-looking skin. But you may not know that our lady bits also need collagen… a different type of collagen for optimal vaginal health. 

Yes, there is an intimate connection between collagen and our vaginal health. As you will see in today’s article, collagen affects how she looks, how much pleasure you can get from penetrative sex and even how you feel about your lady parts. 

Collagen is that important and many women don’t know it. At the end of today’s article, you’ll look at collagen in a whole new light. 

Let’s start from the very beginning: what is collagen?

What is Collagen?

Collagen is our body's primary structural protein. Think of it as the scaffolding that holds your cells together. Almost all the cells in your body have a collagen backbone. From our skin and bones to… you guessed it… our vaginal walls.

So you can see how collagen is intimately connected to vaginal health. But there are two types of collagen — type I and type II collagen.  Which one do you need for vaginal health?

Type of Collagen You Need For Optimal Vaginal Health

While there are two types of collagen, you only need one of it for vaginal health. Which one is that? It is Type I collagen

Type I collagen is the collagen that gives your skin its elasticity and strength. And as you can imagine, it does a lot of important work in the vagina. Type I collagen gives the vagina that supple, elastic and “tight” feeling.

That’s why the more collagen you have in your body, the more pleasure you can get from penetrative sex. Collagen plays a few more little-known roles for your vaginal  health. 

The Little-Known Role of Collagen in Vaginal Health

Now that you know how much your vaginal health needs collagen, let’s get a bit more specific. 

Here are the 3 main roles collagen plays for your vaginal health: 

  • Helps the vagina retain its elasticity and flexibility: Just as collagen keeps our skin elastic, it does the same for the vaginal walls. The vagina is stretched during childbirth and sex. It’s collagen that allows the vagina to stretch and return to its normal state. 
  • Keeps dryness at Bay: collagen plays a key role in retaining moisture in the vagina. A collagen-rich vaginal wall can better retain moisture — and that’s one of the proven ways to treat vaginal dryness… or keep dryness at bay.
  • Quicker healing after childbirth: It takes some women just 6 weeks to heal after childbirth… while it takes other women up to 3 months! What’s the difference? Collagen! Collagen plays a vital role in tissue repair. It helps the vaginal walls heal faster after childbirth.

The silent loss of collagen in the vagina

As you may know, the body loses collagen over time. And that includes the vagina. Why does the body and vagina lose collagen? 

Some of the most popular reasons why the body loses collagen are: 

  • Age, 
  • Childbirth, 
  • Hormonal changes, and 
  • The side-effects of some medications. 

All of them can lead to decreased collagen levels. 

And as far as your vaginal health is concerned, decreasing collagen levels will manifest itself in several ways. It will usually manifest as:

  • Vaginal dryness
  • Loss of elasticity, and
  • Pain during intercourse

All three symptoms are enough to make any woman feel super self-conscious. And they can all be caused by a decline in collagen in the vagina. 

Dr. Lisa Matthews, a renowned gynecologist, remarks, “The decline in collagen can deeply affect a woman's quality of life, impacting her intimate relationships and self-esteem.”1

Are there ways to boost your collagen? You bet. Here are the different ways you can flood your body with life-giving collagen: 

Collagen Sources: Natural vs. Supplements

Yes, there are a sleuth of natural ways to boost your body’s collagen levels. And of course, there are supplements that promise to boost your body’s collagen levels. 

Let’s take a minute to compare both approaches: 

Natural Sources of Collagen: 

You can naturally boost your body’s collagen levels. How? By adding more collagen-rich foods to your diet. 

Here are 6 proven food sources that can flood your body with collagen: 

  • Bone broth, 
  • Fish, 
  • Chicken, 
  • Egg whites, 
  • Citrus fruits, and 
  • Berries.

There are pros and cons to boosting your body’s collagen levels naturally. Here they are: 

Pros of boosting your collagen levels naturally: 

  • Natural collagen is easily processed and absorbed by the body, and 
  • Because you’re getting your collagen from fruits and healthy foods… you’ll also be getting other beneficial nutrients that your body needs.

Cons of boosting your collagen levels naturally: 

  • Collagen from natural sources is great… but the amount you get is limited. So it might not be enough for those with a significant collagen deficiency.

Collagen Supplements:

The other option would be to help your body dramatically increase collagen production. You can do that by buying collagen supplements and adding them to your regimen. 

But there are pros and cons to this approach. Let’s take a look at some of them: 

Pros of boosting your collagen levels with supplements: 

  • It’s really convenient. If you don’t have the time to hunt-down collagen rich foods… then supplements are the way to go. It’s really convenient. All you need to do is buy your supplement, take the recommended dose and flood your body with collagen. 
  • It can be a lifesaver for those with a collagen deficiency. Collagen supplements literally flood the body with collagen each time you take your dose. Which is ideal for those that have a collagen deficiency, who need a quick collagen boost.

Cons of boosting your collagen levels with supplements: 

  • Some collagen supplements can pass through your body unabsorbed: There are a lot of different collagen supplements in the market. The problem with that is most of the supplements might not be easily absorbed in the body. So they can pass through your body unabsorbed. 
  • The supplement industry is not regulated… so additives or contaminants might make it into your supplement. So make sure you research the ingredient list of any brand before you buy.
  • There are some potential side effects. Collagen supplements can cause some unpleasant side effects which include digestive upset… stomach heaviness… and allergic reactions. This is especially true for collagen supplements made from fish products. 
  • Overconsumption might strain the kidneys. Yes, it’s easy to take an overdose of collagen supplements. Why’s that bad? Because it floods your body with collagen — which is a protein. High protein levels will strain your kidneys, giving them too much work to do. And that is not good.

So if you take collagen supplements, here’s how to avoid some of these unpleasant side effects: Always start with a smaller dose. Yes, start with a smaller dose and monitor your body’s reactions.

A PRO TIP about collagen supplements: always choose hydrolyzed collagen supplements. Why hydrolyzed? Because they’re easier to break down into the body. And because of that, your body will be able to process and absorb them.

Other ways to  boost collagen in the vagina

  • Topical Treatments: Vaginal creams with collagen boosters can be beneficial. But talk to your health care provider before you try them. 
  • Laser Treatments: Some medical procedures promote collagen growth. And popular among them is laser treatment for the vagina. Results show that it rejuvenates the vaginal tissue.

Collagen Benefits Beyond Your Vaginal Health

Of course collagen's magic isn't limited to just vaginal health. Here are some more benefits:

  • Keeps your skin smooth and healthy: Collagen is a major component of our skin. It keeps the skin hydrated, it reduces wrinkles, and it also promotes elasticity.
  • Helps to prevent arthritis: Collagen provides our joints and bones with strength and structure. If you maintain a healthy collagen level, it will help you prevent conditions like osteoarthritis.
  • Maintains your heart Health: Collagen provides structure to our arteries. And that structure prevents them from becoming weak and vulnerable. What that means is that you’ll be far less likely to develop conditions like atherosclerosis1.

Dangers of Not Maintaining a Healthy Collagen Level

Women who neglect their collagen levels are taking a big risk. In cases like that, two things can happen. One, is that by sheer luck, their body’s collagen level never goes down. But two, which happens to most people, is that their body’s collagen level goes down and they don’t even know it. 

The next thing these women know is that they start struggling with vaginal issues that make life a lot less fun. 

Some of these vaginal issues are:

  • Vaginal dryness: A lack of collagen will cause the vaginal walls to thin out. This leads to a reduction in moisture… increased dryness down there… and pain and discomfort during intercourse.
  • Quicker skin aging: collagen is the backbone on which smooth skin is built on. Wrinkles and sags appear on the skin the less collagen you have. 
  • Joint pain and bone health: Reduced cartilage can lead to joint pain and conditions like osteoarthritis. But collagen is also a key player in bone-building. The more collagen you have, the more your bone density will be. And that helps to reduce your chances of struggling with conditions like osteoporosis.

Common Misconceptions

Myth #1: Collagen creams can replace natural collagen.

Fact: While they help, it's crucial to combine topical applications with dietary sources for optimal results.

Myth #2: Only older women need to worry about collagen depletion.

Fact: Factors like childbirth can affect collagen levels, regardless of age.


You should know that collagen affects more than your skin health. So you should try to maintain adequate collagen levels. And that usually means investing in quality collagen supplements. It is an investment in your health — especially your vaginal health — that will pay off. 

Collagen helps our lady bits to maintain its strength, elasticity, and suppleness. 

So, it doesn’t matter whether you're in your twenties, forties, or beyond. If you boost your body’s collagen levels, you’re paving the way to a happier and healthier sex life  :) 

 Remember, it's not just about looking good, but feeling fantastic from the inside out!🌺


  1. Turner, L. (2020). The Comprehensive Guide to Collagen. Nutrition and Wellness Journal.
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