“Must I Shave Down There?” The Pubic Choice, Per Doctors

“Must I Shave Down There?” The Pubic Choice, Per Doctors

Do you need to go hairless down there? Read on to learn more about your pubic choice

Hairless vaginas are so in vogue, thanks to big advertising budgets behind hair removal products. So many women feel forced to shave even when they don’t want to. Result? They think that there’s no pubic choice.

The truth? Your vagina, your choice. Removing the hair around the vulva should be well thought out so you can choose what’s best for you.

But, this is the dilemma. Is it better to keep the hair thick down there… to shave the hair… or to go completely hairless? What are the pros and cons of each? Can you avoid the physical and emotional discomfort that comes with shaving?

Yes, you can. And today we’ll dive a little deeper into this topic. But why do most women feel self-conscious about keeping hair down there?

What Exactly Makes Women Choose Hair or No Hair Down There?

You can still enjoy awesome vaginal health no matter the option you choose. And studies have proved that. So whether you keep hair down there or not should be a matter of your convenience. 

But why do women subconsciously feel keeping pubic hair is unattractive?

Why most women think keeping pubic hair is unattractive and unhygienic

Many women and girls learned that removing all pubic hair is a sign of good hygiene. And because of that, they feel really insecure and self-conscious about their pubic hair.

Even those that find hairless vulvas icky still shave down to the skin. Those that struggle with ingrown hairs and bumps still keep shaving. If they’re not racing to a waxing appointment, they’re emptying the top razor shelf.

While there’s nothing particularly wrong with shaving, do not do it if your body doesn’t like it. You should go with what’s best for you. If shaving makes your V unhappy, then you should listen. 

There is no standard or rule book on how you should take care of your pubic health. Don’t mind what those companies say in their advertisements. Equally ignore adult photo shoots, shows, and models who make you feel like you’re not beautiful already down there. 

Keeping pubic hair is not unhygienic, gross, or unattractive.

Anyone who says that is ignorant— or they’re trying to get you to buy stuff you don’t need. The pubic hair is just what it is — hair growing down there. And for good reason too.

Why You Should Consider Keeping Your Natural Pubic Hair

Pubic hair plays an amazing role for your vaginal health. It traps dust, dirt, bacteria, and other harmful pathogens — and it prevents them from getting into your vagina. Your hair follicles also produce sebum, which also stops the bad bacteria from reproducing. 

In addition to all that, pubic hair helps to maintain the delicate skin around your vulva. It reduces friction during sexual activity, and that cushion helps you maintain a perfect, soft skin down there.

But, whatever. We’re not pushing you to go all natural and not shave. Remember what we said earlier, shaving or not shaving should be a matter of personal preference. We just don’t want you to do something because others are doing it. 

Partner Preferences — Should What Your Partner Want Matter??

Yeah, most women feel self-conscious about what their partner thinks about their body. So most of them choose whatever option their partner prefers. 

What do most partners want? In a 2021 study by YouGov, 52% of the male partners surveyed preferred their partner’s pubic hair trimmed. While 32% liked the pubic area natural.

But how much should your partner’s desires influence your pubic choice? There’s only one rule of thumb here: if it makes you uncomfortable don’t do it.

Which Pubic Choice is the Right One Then?

This isn’t about hair or no hair. The right pubic choice should be personal. What do you prefer? Sometimes you have to try both to weigh your options well. Do not use other people’s personal experiences to judge for yourself; remember that no two women are alike. You should find what works best for you while keeping the facts already discussed in mind. 

If you choose to keep your hair, that’s perfectly fine. It’s not unhygienic. The most important thing is to keep things clean and dry down there.

But whatever you choose, do not chain yourself to any painful or harmful grooming process. Any option you choose should prioritize the protection of your vulva and pubic area. If it hurts and causes any problem for you, say a firm no. 

If it’s causing you itches, sores, cuts, burns, irritation, etc., you probably need a change. And if your choice doesn’t make you feel like the sexy grown woman you want to feel like, you should rethink it.

If you’d like to keep things nice and clean down there, here are a few pointers on how to do it right.

Shaving: How To Do It Right.

Shaving is usually inexpensive. It’s completely DIY — all you really need is a good razor and a mirror. 

If you choose shaving, then you might want to learn a few pointers on how to do it right. Doing it right means spending less time shaving and not having to deal with ingrown hairs or bumps after you shave. 

The pubic region is sensitive. You’d need to be ultra-careful to avoid cuts, ingrown hair, irritation, and infection. Yes, infection. Why? Because poor shaving can also damage the hair follicles in the vulva area, making you susceptible to folliculitis (infection of the hair follicles).

You can avoid all that with a smooth shave.

How to Achieve a Smooth Shave

Here are a few ideas to keep in mind if you’d like to get a clean shave… and get zero ingrown hairs or bumps: 

  1. Choose A Good Razor — Picking a good razor is the first step to getting a smooth shave without cuts. You have to find one with a solid build and sharp blades. Dull blades can lead to excessive tugging and sores. 
    Pro tip: It is also better to choose a razor with many blades so you can get everything done with fewer passes. Also, razors with inbuilt moisture strips provide soothing and extra lubrication while you shave.
  2. Get a Trim — To make shaving less irritating, start with a trim. This is crucial if your hair is well grown. If you start with a trim, it will be easier for the razor to gently glide over the skin. But it might be tricky to get a good trim; you can make it easier by using dedicated small scissors or a bikini trimmer.
  3. Shower and Exfoliate — Before you pull out your razor, it’ll be a good idea to get into a warm shower. Warm water will soften your hair and open up your pores to reduce the risks of ingrown hair.
    When you wet your hair before shaving, it will be easier to remove the dirt buildup that can clog the razor and cause irritation.
    If you need some ideas on how to exfoliate, here’s a quick guide: After spending a few minutes in the shower, work on the area around your pubes. Use a gentle exfoliant if you have one — it removes dead cells from the area. Exfoliating clears a path for the razor to get closer to the roots of your hair.
  4. Use a Shaving Cream — Shaving creams also help to lubricate and moisturize the surface of the skin, getting you ready for a smooth shave. When you do this, you’ll dramatically reduce the risk of cuts and irritation. All the better if you get a shaving cream with ingredients like shea butter, olive oil, or coconut oil.
  5. Be Mindful of the Shaving Direction — This is a crucial step depending on the results you want to achieve. Shaving along the direction of your hair growth prevents the razor from stressing your skin and causing razor burn. You will also prevent ingrown hairs as the hair cannot go back into the skin.
    But if you want a closer shave, shave against the grain.

You’re almost done. To finish the shaving process, rinse with cool water to close the pores and apply a moisturizer.

Not Into Shaving? Other Pubic Choices

If shaving your pubic hair is not your cup of tea, here are the other choices to consider:

Keeping it Natural

Let’s talk about leaving it natural. Truth is, a lot of men and women find it sexy. So if you’re one of them, enjoy your freedom. But make sure to keep it looking clean and sexier by trimming the edges. 


Waxing is a whole new and painful world to explore. Yes, it can be excruciating! But the good news is that it removes almost all the hair completely by pulling them out. Results? A super smooth pubic area. If you’re considering waxing, an esthetician or a practitioner must guide you.

The general options are Brazilian waxing and bikini waxing. 

Brazilian waxing takes out all the hair down there… or almost everything. While bikini waxing focuses along the bikini line. Whichever you choose, it is best practice to avoid skin exfoliation before getting a wax. After waxing, follow the guidance of your professionals. 

They’ll usually advise you to avoid hot showers and strenuous activities. Some will tell you to wear loose clothing for some time, and to also apply a cold compress on the area.

Laser Therapy

Laser hair removal process uses selective photothermolysis to remove unwanted hair. Simply put, it searches for any colored cell (since hair has dark pigment) and destroys it.

Women who want more lasting hair removal options usually opt for laser treatments. But, different hair follicles are in different growth stages so one session is usually not enough.


This is another long-term hair removal option. Like laser hair removal, electrolysis also targets hair follicles beneath the skin surface. But it gives you more permanent results

Here’s how it works: 

It involves inserting an epilator that uses shortwave radio frequencies in the hair follicles. These radio frequencies cause your existing hair to fall out and it also stops new hair from growing.

Like laser therapy, results are usually not achieved in one session.  But once you’re happy with the results, there’s no maintenance required after that.

Tips To Keeping It Clean Down There

Regardless of your pubic choice, it’s crucial to maintain a healthy vulva and vaginal health. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Always use warm water and a mild soap (or just warm water), to wash the vulva thoroughly and dry it with a clean towel.
  2. Avoid using weird products (e.g. feminine wash or sprays). The vagina is a self-cleaning organ. It just doesn’t need those products.
  3. Breathable cotton is the best fiber for your underwear. And always keep them clean and dry — always.
  4. Take baths regularly. At least twice daily.
  5. Always wipe from the front to the back after using the toilet. You don’t want bad bacteria to migrate from the anus to the vagina.
  6. Change sweaty, wet, and dirty clothes as soon as you can.
  7. See a doctor about abnormalities down there. This includes itches, bleeding, colored discharge, pain, and odor.
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