How Sweating Downstairs Affects Your Intimate Health — (plus what you can do)

How Sweating Downstairs Affects Your Intimate Health — (plus what you can do)

vaginal dampness and discomfort

We’ve all been there. After a brisk walk, an intense workout, you feel that dampness down there. And it doesn’t feel good. 

Most women struggle with excessive sweating downstairs. It’s natural for some of us, and there are ways to manage it. 

But why do we sweat down there? How does it happen? What can we do about it? Is there something you can do to reduce the sweating? And how can you prevent it from triggering vaginal odor — or other vaginal issues? 

These questions are all answered in today’s article. But there’s a lot more than that. So first let’s start from the beginning — how do we get sweaty down there?

How The Vagina Gets Sweaty — When It’s Healthy and When It’s Not 

Anatomy Overview 

the skin around the vagina

The skin around the vagina is just like the skin on our underarms. It is filled with hair follicles, sweat glands… and oil glands. And the same way our underarms get sweaty, the skin around the vagina can also get sweaty. Any intense activity (like a workout) that increases the body’s temperature will make us sweat… over the whole body and also in our nether regions. And this is perfectly normal. 

But some women get super sweaty downstairs. How does that happen? One answer would be because we always have clothes on. And with our waist down always covered, we can’t air out our downstairs as often as we’d like. 

The second (and more common) reason why we sweat downstairs is because of our hormones. As we go through different stages of life (puberty, pregnancy, menopause), our hormones change rapidly. And that hormonal change affects how much we sweat in different parts of the body. 

Excessive sweating downstairs can be a sign of a medical condition

Excessive vaginal sweating is not always normal. In some cases, it can be a symptom of a medical condition like Hyperhidrosis or an endocrine disorder. So if you’re struggling with excessive sweating downstairs, this is something to think about. Visit a doctor to know if this is the root cause of your problem.

Most doctors might prescribe over-the-counter (OTC) pills depending on the diagnosis. But when OTC remedies don’t work, ask for a referral to a dermatologist. Your dermatologist might recommend antiperspirant treatments. These antiperspirants usually contain aluminum chloride or Botox injections would help to reduce excessive sweating. 

As always, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for a precise diagnosis and treatment plan.

The Sneaky Relationship Between Diet and Vaginal Sweating

Just as spicy foods make us sweat profusely through our face… some foods might also increase vaginal sweating. These are usually foods that are high in sulfur, onions, garlic, and other strong spices. Not only do they make us sweat more from head to toe… they can also affect our body odor. 

Anything that helps to regulate the body temperature will help reduce excessive sweating. And sometimes, all you have to do to reduce sweating is to cut down on a particular food. 

One known substance you should consider cutting down on is caffeine. Caffeine stimulates the nervous system. This stimulation affects our whole body composition and increases our body temperature. Some people have found that limiting their caffeine intake helped to dramatically reduce their body temperature. That in turn helped them to sweat less.

Other hidden reasons that make women sweat more

Another hidden reason why women sweat more is stress. We’ve all experienced it. Whenever we’re anxious or stressed, our body naturally releases stress hormones. These stress hormones in turn increase our heart rate and blood flow, which makes our body’s temperature rise. And with a rise in body temperature, we sweat more. 

But there are a few things we can do to handle stress. This includes anything that helps to keep you relaxed or that relieves anxiety and stress. Some of them include meditation, deep breathing exercises, and regular physical activity. Try them. They can help to reduce stress-related sweating.

How Sweating Downstairs Affect Your Intimate Health

When it comes to our vaginal health, nothing we do is neutral. Everything we do either helps us to optimal vaginal health, or it disposes us to vaginal infections. Today’s topic is no different. 

How often we sweat downstairs and what we do about it are closely linked to our vaginal health. 

Here are the different ways sweating affects vaginal health: 

  1. Sweat affects our vaginal pH
    As you may know, the vagina’s pH is slightly acidic. The acid in the vagina kills off bad bacteria that cause infections. That’s how our natural cleaning mechanism keeps infections at bay.
    But when we sweat down there, the healthy pH in the vagina is challenged. Sweat contains ammonia, lactate, sodium, potassium, salt and water. And all these alter the vagina’s pH.
    The more you sweat, the more the sweat challenges your pH. If not taken care of, your pH may be knocked off-kilter. And when that happens, you can easily get vaginal infections. This is why it’s important to quickly clean-up whenever you notice that your nether region is moist.
  2. Decomposing sweat creates the perfect environment for bad bacteria to breed (which causes vaginal odor and infections)
    There’s another big reason why you must not let sweat percolate in your nether region. And it’s this: sweat creates the perfect environment for bad bacteria to breed.
    You already know that when you’re sweaty for long periods, your underarms will start to ooze an odor. That’s because the sweat decomposes, creating the perfect breeding ground for bad bacteria. The same thing happens in our nether regions.
    When the nether region stays wet for too long, the sweat starts to decompose. And that disposes us to a stronger vaginal odor. On top of that, it also becomes a breeding ground for bad bacteria. If not taken care of, this bad bacteria can easily slip into the vagina and cause nasty infections.
  3. Sweat causes rashes and even vaginal chafing
    You’ve noticed this before. Whenever you get sweaty, your clothes start to stick on your skin. That also happens in our nether regions. When we’re wet down there, underwear also becomes sticky and starts to hold on to the skin down south. This sets up the perfect situation for rashes to happen.
    How do rashes happen? Rashes are caused by friction. So when sweaty clothes stick to the skin, it creates discomfort on the skin. And soon rashes will begin to appear. Tight clothes makes this even worse. 

4 Proven Ways to Protect Your Vaginal Health

Sweating downstairs is natural, but it can make you prone to vaginal infections. But there are things you can do to reduce your risk of infection. Here are the top tips to keep in mind: 

  1. Choose Breathable Underwear: breathable cotton is the vagina’s best friend! It allows the vagina to breathe and it reduces moisture accumulation down there. So if you are not strictly using cotton underwear, it’s time to make the switch.
  2. Do this to reduce excess sweating: we sweat when our body temperature is too high. So anything you can do to reduce your body temperature will help you sweat less. One such thing is to drink more water. Yes, drinking more water can help regulate body temperature, potentially reducing excess sweating.
  3. Clean up the vagina as soon as you can: the problem with sweating is leaving it for too long. When sweating stays too long, it starts to breed bacteria and bad things start to happen. All that can easily be avoided by cleaning up as soon as you can. So if you just finished an intense workout, take a shower as soon as you can. If you can’t take a shower, use wipes to clean up. This will help reduce or stop the sweating, and reduce any risk of infection.
  4. Have a skincare routine for your nether regions: Just like you maintain a strict skincare regimen to keep your face smooth, fresh and sweet-looking… you should also pay attention to the skin in your nether region. This will help you to prevent or combat vaginal issues like chafing or rashes which are caused by sweating. A good place to start is to buy moisture-wicking underwear. Then add gentle cleansers or cornstarch-powder to absorb moisture. But as always, consult your primary care physician before buying these products. 

Natural Remedies for Vaginal Issues Caused by Excessive Sweating

We already know that excessive sweating can cause chafing and rashes. And that stress is one of the leading causes of excessive sweating. Here are a few natural remedies to try:

  • Witch hazel: this is a special herb from Japan and China and it packs a lot of soothing properties. Not only can it soothe rashes and chafes, but it can potentially help to reduce moisture. 
  • Aloe vera gel: aloe vera is well known for its ability to cool and heal the skin. And some women apply aloe vera gel around the vagina to soothe rashes and also to reduce sweating. 
  • Try Chamomile tea: this tea has both anti-inflammatory properties and a huge calming effect. That’s why it’s a life-saver for those that struggle with chronic stress and anxiety. So try this tea to reduce stress-induced sweating. 

But with all natural remedies, it’s safer to let your primary care physician advise you which products you should take. 


Sweating is natural, but it’s important to learn how to manage it.

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