Boric Acid Side Effects for Vaginal Health | Get Flower Power – Flower Power® Feminine Health

Boric Acid Side Effects

Many women who haven't had success using other options like over-the-counter medications and antifungal prescriptions rely on vaginal boric acid suppositories to solve their problems. One can use boric acid vaginal suppositories topically or internally, depending on their condition. Doctors recommend using boric acid suppositories when other medications are not working. 

However, there are certain precautions that you should take before taking any boric acid medication. It is a very strong chemical that can cause severe damage to the body if used in excess or improperly. You can buy boric acid over the counter at most pharmacies. Ask your pharmacist for help finding boric acid. Some brands also sell boric acid online. Store boric acid in sealed containers at room temperature. Keep out of reach of children and pests as they might consume it, leading to poisoning.

Boric Acid: What is Vaginal Boric Acid?

Boric Acid Side Effects

Vaginal boric is one of those chemicals which has been around for ages. Many know boric acid by names such as Boron Trihydroxide, Boron(III) hydroxide, etc. Whatever name you choose to give it, gynecologists recommend boric as an effective medication for yeast infections.

A boric acid suppository contains beneficial bacteria that help fight against yeast infection. The treatment involves inserting the suppository into the vagina once daily until symptoms disappear. This method reduces the severity of symptoms and shortens their duration. 

Gynecologists recommend boric as an effective medication for yeast infections. It works by killing off the fungus causing the infection. Boric acid removes the infection from the vagina in the form of discharge. When applied topically, it penetrates the infected area and destroys all types of fungi infections.

What Are the Possible Side Effects of Vaginal Boric Acid?

Woman Reading Boric Acid Side Effects

Side effects associated with the use of boric acid. There are several side effects associated with using boric acid. Here are the risks associated with it:

Watery Vaginal Discharge 

Boric acid helps to replenish the vagina into its normal state. Vaginal discharge is a side effect condition that occurs when too many bacteria are present in the vagina. It causes a thin white coating on the cervix and lower part of the uterus. You should see your gynecologist if you notice any unusual discharge patterns.

Vaginal Bleeding 

Vaginal bleeding occurs during the menstruation period. However, some women experience excessive bleeding after using boric acid. Women who have low levels of estrogen tend to bleed more than usual. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor if you have a problem with boric acid suppositories heavy bleeding.

Vaginal Irritation 

Boric acid is highly irritating if you use the gelatin capsules as a vaginal suppository. It can irritate sensitive areas inside the female reproductive system, including the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder, and rectum. Vaginal irritation symptoms include itching, redness, swelling, pain, discharge, and blisters. These irritation symptoms usually disappear within 24 hours, but some cases require medical attention.

Vaginal Redness

Boric acid causes vaginal redness and a burning sensation due to a pH imbalance. Vaginal discharge will also become more frequent at this stage. However, the effect will go after the pH balances.

Skin Sensitivity

The presence of boric acid makes the skin very dry and rough. The skin gets irritated by contact with boric acid. Skin sensitivity symptoms include itchiness, rash, hives, rashes, bumps, sores, and even blister formation.

Boric Acid Powder Side Effects: How should I Use Vaginal Boric Acid?

 Woman Taking Boric Acid From Drug Store

You must be careful when applying these products to your body because they may have some risks. The first thing you have to do is read all instructions carefully before use. Make sure you know how much dosage you will take every day or week.

Also, keep a record of what time you applied them at each session. Preferably, apply your boric acid suppositories at the same time after every 24 hours. Most women find bedtime to be the perfect time for their suppository treatment.

Before you insert the suppository, wash your hands thoroughly. You must clean the genital area with lukewarm water before using boric acid suppositories or other vaginal treatments. Most women find it easy to insert the suppository at any angle while others lie on their backs.

Insert the suppository gently using an anti-thrush treatment or finger. Dispose of the applicator once you finish applying the suppository. You might experience vaginal discharge after inserting the suppository. So you can wear a thin absorbent pad to absorb the discharge. 

Consider using only one suppository a day if your infection is acute. However, if the yeast infection is chronic, you might consider inserting the gelatin capsules twice daily for 6 to 14 days. But, you should consult with your gynecologist about the prescription to avoid overdosing.

The normal recommended boric acid suppository dosage is 600 milligrams in a single day for 7 to 14 days.

How Long Does Boric Acid Take to Cure BV?

 Taking Boric Acid

The duration of treatment depends on several factors like the severity of infection, the number of times per day used, etc. Generally speaking, most women will need a single application of boric acid vaginal suppositories daily for several days or weeks until the vaginal infection disappears. However, each woman's case varies, and therefore it's recommended you seek boric acid therapy from the nearest gynecologist.

Boric acid can clear up bacterial vaginosis by getting rid of the bacterial mucus from the vagina. According to 2009 research, researcher boosted antibiotic treatment by inserting 600 mg of boric acid suppositories into the vaginas of different participants. Participants had an 88 percent cure rate within seven weeks and a 92 percent cure rate at 12 weeks. There was a higher cure rate for women under boric acid treatment than those who did not use the treatment.

Boric Acid Suppositories Side Effects: What Happens If I Overdose?

 Woman Getting Overdose

Excessive use of boric acid can result in overdose symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness, headache, confusion, drowsiness, blurred vision, difficulty breathing, seizures, muscle weakness, numbness, tingling sensation, fainting, convulsions, coma, etc. Seek emergency medical attention if you suspect someone has overdosed on boric acid.

Side effects become severe and can even cause death if the person taking boric acid medication ingests it. However, you should take caution and read the instruction labeled to avoid problems resulting from overdosing.

Is Boric Acid Safe for Vaginas?

Vaginal Health Check Up With Doctor

Boric acid suppositories are safe for women who use them to treat vaginal yeast infections. However, boric acid is toxic for those who take it orally. If you ingest boric acid, it can cause severe internal bleeding or even death.

If someone accidentally ingests boric acid, seek immediate medical attention.

Boric acid capsules are one of the safest medicines around to treat bacterial and yeast infections. However, there are mild boric acid side effects that don't last long.

What Is the Most Important Information I Should Know About Vaginal Boric Acid?

Doctor Give mportant Information About Vaginal Boric Acid

Boric acid is an important treatment for replenishing normal vaginal acidity levels. It also helps prevent recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVVC), which is caused by Candida albicans fungus.

This medication works well by balancing vaginal flora with other treatments, including antibiotics, antifungals, anti-inflammatory drugs. However, boric acid cannot be used if you have an active sexually transmitted disease, an inflammatory disease, nausea, fever, vaginal bleeding, breastfeeding, pregnancy, high blood pressure, etc. Also, boric acid cannot be used to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

You should explain to your physicians all the current medication you take, including over-the-counter medications, prescribed antibiotics, herbal supplements, etc. These substances could interact with and affect vaginal boric acid making it less effective.

Use Boric Acid Correctly

Always dilute boric acid before applying it. You can dilute boric acid powder with warm water for this purpose following your doctor's prescription. Apply diluted boric acid directly onto affected areas only. Do not apply pure boric directly on wounds. Instead, soak cotton balls into your acid solution and place them over the wound. Leave it overnight. Rinse off the remaining solution with lukewarm water. Repeat this process every day till the infection is gone.


Boric acid is a homeopathic prescription medicine that has many benefits for our bodies to fight off yeast infections. It helps us fight against various types of bacterial and viral infections. However, if you overuse it, you may get some serious problems. That is why it is essential to be careful while applying boric acid. If you feel any discomfort, stop immediately. You don't want to cause damage to your internal organs.

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