Yeast Infection Treatment, Symptomps and Cause | Get Flower Power – Flower Power® Feminine Health

Yeast Infection Treatment

A yeast infection is a common and uncomfortable condition that can affect anyone, primarily women. It may be caused by an overgrowth of yeast in the vagina, which causes itching, burning, or pain during urination. The most common type of yeast infection occurs when there is too much acidity in your vaginal area.

Yeast infection treatment is the only remedy to get rid of this issue. You will need to use particular medications from your gynecologist and follow specific procedures to help you treat the vaginal yeast infection. The first step to treat vaginal yeast infections is to find out what kind of yeast is causing the problem.

Your gynecologist will examine your genital area and take samples to determine if the cause is candidiasis or bacterial vaginosis. From there, the gynecologist will determine the best antifungal medication or bacterial vaginosis treatment you need for your infections. If the symptoms persist during the medication, it's time for the patient to visit a doctor.

Yeast Infection Symptoms


yeast infection treatment

The symptoms of yeast infection vary from mild, moderate, and severe cases. Mild cases usually have no pronounced symptoms at all. However, they can still be treated with home remedies. Moderate to severe cases typically exhibit some symptoms like itching, burning, redness, and discharge. If the symptoms are left untreated for a long time, they will likely get worse.

How do you know if you have a yeast infection? You should check yourself regularly with your gynecologist because it might not always be easy to notice the first signs of a yeast infection. Here are some tips on how to tell if you are experiencing a yeast infection:

1) Vaginal Itching

This symptom is prevalent among women who experience a vaginal infection. Itching is usually accompanied by a burning sensation and irritates sensitive areas inside the female reproductive system. Symptoms vary from swelling, pain, irritation, and blisters.

2) Watery Vaginbal Discharge

A white discharge is another sign of yeast infection when bacteria are present in the vagina. It is a thin white coating on the lower part of the uterus and cervix that has a foul smell.

3) Redness

Redness around the opening of the vagina is also a symptom of vaginal infections. Vaginal redness is a result of pH imbalance. The effect usually goes after sometimes when the pH balances.

4) Burning Sensation

Another symptom of a yeast infection is a burning sensation while urinating. A burning sensation during intercourse is another symptom of a yeast infection that needs immediate medical attention.

Yeast Infection Cause

yeast Infection cause for vagina

Two fungi, namely Lactobacillus bacteria and candida fungus, work hand in hand to keep your vagina healthy. Lactobacillus bacteria keep the growth of the candida fungi in check. However, if the Lactobacillus bacteria fails or something kills it off like antibiotics, the Candida fungi will grow out of control. Candida fungi overgrowth results in vaginal candidiasis.

Candida albicans is the leading cause that results in vaginal yeast infections. It happens when the hormonal imbalances disrupt the natural balance of estrogen and progesterone in your body. During these periods fungus also grows out of control. Many other factors contribute to frequent yeast infections, which include:

Poor Hygiene: Poor hygiene is one of the primary reasons why people develop yeast infections. When you don't wash your genital parts correctly, you increase the risk of getting a yeast infection.

Hormonal Changes: Hormones play an essential role in regulating the growth of yeast cells. Women who are pregnant or menopausal tend to have more chances of developing yeast infections than those who aren't pregnant or post-menopausal.

Pregnancy: Pregnant women are prone to yeast infections since their bodies produce higher levels of estrogen. Estrogen hormones encourage the growth of yeast cells in the vagina.

Antibiotics: Antibiotic drugs such as penicillin, amoxicillin, erythromycin, tetracycline, and others kill good bacteria in the digestive tract. As a result, this makes room for candida species of the oral and vaginal mucosa to grow.

Diabetes: Diabetes causes blood sugar levels to fluctuate, leading to a weakened immune system. Diabetes increases the risk of recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis.

Other Health Conditions: Other health conditions like HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, and kidney problems also make you vulnerable to yeast infections.

Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment

doctor explain to patient

If you are not well versed with over-the-counter medicines or severe yeast infections, you might need a medical prescription from the doctor. The doctors will prescribe you antifungal vaginal creams or vaginal odor pills. The doctor will also pack the antifungal vaginal creams with an applicator. You can use the applicator to measure the correct dosage.

There are other similar medications for yeast infections that you can get without having a prescription. Some are vaginal tablets or suppositories that you can apply inside the vaginal area to dissolve. Others are creams that you need an applicator when placing inside the vagina, as mentioned above. Some of the yeast infection treatment pills include:

  • Clotrimazole (Trivagizole, Lotrimin-AF, and Mycelex)
  • Miconazole under the Monistat brand and Micatin
  • Vagistat-1 vaginal (Tioconazole)

Here are some of the prescriptions for creams that might cover different kinds of yeast infections:

  • Butoconazole (Gynazole-1) used in the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis
  • Terconazole (Terazol 3 & 7 brand) disrupts the biosynthesis of fats in the yeast cell.

If the medication is more concentrated, it will take you a shorter time to take it. For instance, the concentration of the vaginal cream labeled number 3 is higher, meaning you will take it only for three days. The concentration of the vaginal cream labeled number 7 will take you seven days.

The doctor will also prescribe you oral antifungal medication if you have a severe infection. Ibrexafungerp (brand name - Brexafemme) is a new yeast infection treatment pill that you need to take twice a day for only one day. The pill targets specific fungal cells behind the yeast infection. Another single-dose pill is Fluconazole (brand name- Diflucan) kills fungus and yeast infections. Some of the side effects of using these pills include diarrhea, headache, and stomach upset, which disappear later.

Boric Acid for Yeast Infection

woman taking medicine

Boric acid is one of those chemicals which has been around for some time, and women use it to treat yeast infections. Many of us know boric acid by names such as Boron(III) hydroxide, Boron Trihydroxide, and many more. The majority of the female population finds success in using it to treat yeast infections. 

Doctors recommend that all users should use the medication in the correct dosage and apply it topically. There are certain precautions set by gynecologists that every user should consider before using the boric acid medication. If you take boric acid in excess, it can result in severe damage to your body. You should read labels carefully and note potential hazards associated with the product. 

If you take boric acid in excess, it can result in overdose symptoms. The symptoms include confusion, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, drowsiness, blurred vision, difficulty breathing, seizures, convulsions, muscle weakness, numbness, tingling sensation, fainting, and coma, etc. You should seek immediate medical attention from the nearest physicians if you suspect someone has overdosed on boric acid.

You should bear in mind the following before using boric acid:

Pregnancy Concerns 

Pregnant women or those planning to get pregnant should not use boric acid. Boric acid can pass from the mother through the placenta and affect fetal growth.

Store Away From Children And Pets

You should keep boric acid containers away from the reach of children and pets. They might accidentally consume the chemical, causing poisoning.

Use the Correct Dosage

Dilute boric acid powder with lukewarm water before you apply it. Applying pure boric directly on wounds might cause more damage than help. You can, however, soak cotton balls into your acid solution and apply it. You should repeat this every night until the yeast infection goes away.

What is Boric Acid?

boric acid

Boric acid is a homeopathic medicine that contains helpful bacteria that can treat yeast infections of the vaginal lining. Gynecologists recommend that boric is an effective medication for female genital tract infections. Boric acid works best when you apply it directly into the vagina. When you apply it topically, boric acid penetrates the infected area and removes the vaginal infection in the form of vaginal discharge.

Boric acid comes in capsules just like FlowerPower product, liquid form, gel form, powder form, granules, and others. You should always be careful when using boric acid suppositories. Read and follow all the instructions given to you by the gynecologist before starting to apply them to genital areas. You should avoid oral medications as they can result in more severe symptoms. Do not use boric acid if you are pregnant or if your skin is sensitive.

If you exhibit severe symptoms that persist, you need to seek medications from the nearest doctor. If you are taking any other medications for your condition, make sure to tell your doctor before they prescribe other drugs for you. Do not use boric acid with another medication unless your doctor tells you so.

Best Home Remedies for Yeast Infections

home remedies for woman

You can treat yeast infections using home remedies or otherwise known as over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal medications. Over-the-counter medications mainly treat yeast infections associated with Candida albicans. If there is any other strain of yeast infection examined through a lab, OTC treatment won't work.

If you are taking Over-the-counter medications, yet you are not getting any relief, you should visit your gynecologist. The gynecologist will undertake lab tests to determine what strain of yeast infections is affecting you. The doctor will then prescribe you other medications that can help you. The gynecologist can prescribe you a regimen of medications, including:

  • Butoconazole
  • Fluconazole
  • Clotrimazole
  • Terconazole
  • Miconazole

If the signs and symptoms of the yeast infections disappear, follow up with your doctor to ensure whether the medication worked well for you. If the infection is recurrent, you might try using some of the following home remedies to see whether their effectiveness will work for you:

Greek Yogurt

You can use probiotics like Greek Yogurt, vaginal suppositories, and supplements that have live bacteria effective in treating Candida albicans. Some of the live bacteria you can find in plain Greek Yogurt include Lactobacillus acidophilus which you insert into the vagina to create a healthy environment and treat an overgrowth caused by hormonal imbalance.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has antifungal properties, which can have many health benefits. It is an effective and robust home remedy used to treat a vaginal yeast infection.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar bath has proven medicinal uses that can eliminate yeast infections. You can add vinegar to your diet or dilute it in water before touching your skin.

Most Frequent Questions

What Is the Fastest Way to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection?

woman vaving yeast infection

The most reliable and fastest way to get rid of a yeast infection from your genital area is to seek medical attention from the nearest doctor available. The doctor will run a test to determine the strain of yeast infection then will likely prescribe you an oral treatment drug known as Fluconazole. It may take you seven days to get rid of the symptoms of yeast infections.

However, this medication might take a week or more until it gets rid of the infection. You can use the generic versions of miconazole medication and the vaginal suppository Monistat to eliminate most vaginal yeast infections. After treating the infection, ensure to prevent yourself from reinfection.

Can Yeast Infection Go Away on Its Own?

yeast infection for woman

It is a rare case for a yeast infection to go away on its own without dedicated medications. You should always consider treating vaginal infections even if they show mild symptoms. If you don't treat these yeast and fungal infections properly, they will likely return. The time in which the yeast infection might last varies from one individual to another, depending on how severe the symptoms are.

Severe yeast infections might take up to 14 days to go away without undergoing treatment. However, if the infection persists for more than three days causing more symptoms and pain, you should seek immediate medical attention from your doctor. Do not forgo diagnosis as it might worsen the situation more.

What Is the Main Cause of Yeast Infection?

woman doing medical check up with doctor

Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of yeast in your vagina. This can happen when you have a vaginal imbalance, which allows for the growth of certain types of bacteria and fungi in your body. The growth causes the yeast to multiply and form colonies of cells called Candida albicans and Monilinia fungus.

The immunity of your body might keep the fungus under control. However, these fungus colonies will grow into masses called thrush that form white patches in your mouth. Apart from your mouth, these colonies will affect your genital area, blood, food pipe, skin, and nails weakening your immune further. You should have the doctor diagnose the strain immediately and prescribe you medications. 

What Is the Most Common Treatment for Yeast Infection?

treatment for yeast infection

Taking an antifungal medication is the most common treatment for yeast infections. There are many treatments available for treating this condition, but they all work in different ways. For instance, some medications contain antifungal agents that kill the yeast, while others use antibacterial agents to prevent the growth of other bacteria or fungi.

Some medications also help to restore balance to your vaginal flora. Some of these antifungal medications are available in suppositories, ointments, creams, and pills. Other medications require a prescription, while others are available as home remedies or over-the-counter. Doctors do not recommend oral medication, especially for pregnant women or those planning to get pregnant. If the medication doesn't work for you, seek further medical help from your doctor.

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