Boric Acid for BV Side Effects

Boric Acid for BV Side Effects

Boric acid is one of the most common and cheapest chemical ingredients used in household products. Most households use boric acid as a food preservative, antiseptic agent, insecticide, fungicide, etc. The boron content in the boric acid suppository is suitable as an alternative treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis, yeast infections, and Candida Albicans. Boric acid suppositories can be absorbed through the skin or mucous membrane if applied topically.

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

Boric Acid for BV Side Effects

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is caused by an overgrowth of certain types of bacteria in the vagina. The infection leads to bad smells, burning sensations, and discomfort. There are several ways to treat vaginal infections, including oral antibiotics, topical treatments such as creams, and home remedies. One of the popular home remedy methods is using boric acid suppositories, which contain boric acid.

Boric acid is an effective treatment for bacterial vaginosis because it gets rid of the bacteria (Gardnerella Vaginalis) that causes the condition. In addition, it also helps restore normal vaginal flora, which may have become depleted during the infection. As soon as you start taking antibiotics, the balance between good and bad bacteria changes dramatically. You end up with the risk of getting a vaginal infection. Gardnerella Vaginalis changes your vaginal pH. If you don't treat the problem soon enough, you could develop bacterial vaginosis.

Can Boric Acid Make Symptoms Worse?

Doctor explain to patient

Boric acid suppositories might be the remedy if other medication doesn't work to help you clear up multiple yeast infections. However, if not applied well or users take it in excess, it can lead to severe symptoms or boric acid allergy. Some of these symptoms might last longer than the expected 24 hours. If you have experienced some of them, please don't hesitate to contact your gynaecologist for an effective treatment plan.

People use boric acid as a chemical preservative and pH buffer. Boric acid is a poisonous chemical, and you should not take it orally. There are many health risks associated with its use. Gynaecologists recommend a dosage of 600 milligrams in a single day for 7 to 14 days.

Users should take the correct dosage under the supervision of their doctor. This includes all women above 12 years old. Symptoms may worsen if the user has allergic reactions to boric acid suppositories. Therefore, they must stop using boric acid immediately.

Boric Acid for BV During Pregnancy Side Effects: Can Boric Acid Suppositories Cause Problems?

Pregnant woman holding a medicine

Pregnant women or planning to become pregnant should not use boric acid until they talk to their doctors. Boric acid can pass through the placenta and affect fetal growth. Therefore, you cannot use boric acid at any stage of pregnancy and should consult your doctor for proper diagnosis. Moreover, exposure to boric acid during the early stages of life can cause developmental defects in babies.

Women breastfeeding should never take boric acid suppositories because it passes through breast milk and can affect the baby. Breastfeeding moms should instead opt for natural remedies. As mentioned earlier, boric acid is toxic and could cause severe damage to the child. Boric acid can adversely affect the baby's nervous system. It causes convolutions, coma, abnormal postures, confusion, etc.

Women who want to try boric acid suppositories but aren't sure whether they're safe should first talk to their gynecologists. 

What Are the Side Effects of Boric Acid Suppositories For BV?

Vaginal anatomy

The most important thing to consider before using any medication is the impact it will have on your body. The following are side effects associated with boric acid suppositories.

Bleeding from the Vagina Due to Irritation

Vaginal bleeding occurs when the tissue around the opening of the vagina is irritated. Bleeding usually happens during the menstruation period or during sexual intercourse. If the bleeding prolongs beyond a few days, then you need medical attention.

Burning Sensation

Sometimes people feel uncomfortable while applying the medication to their genital area. The burning sensation happens, especially when you are passing urine. This feeling is a common symptom of BV. The burning sensation might disappear or prolong. If the burning sensation doesn't go away, seek immediate medical attention.

Itching at the Site of Insertion

Itching is another possible side effect of using a boric acid suppository. It happens when you insert the suppository into the vagina. That is usually normal. Itching is very unpleasant so try to avoid scratching yourself whenever you get this kind of itchiness. But if the itch lasts longer than 24 hours, then see your physician.

Watery Discharge

Watery discharge is another sign of BV. It indicates an increase in the amount of mucous secreted by the cervix.

Other symptoms include nausea, blood vessel disorder, and redness in the vaginal area. Before taking up this method, make sure that you do not suffer from allergies to boric acid. If so, then avoid using a boric acid suppository.

How Long Does it Take for Boric Acid Suppositories to Work for BV?

Woman taking pill

Women who use boric acid have an 88 percent cure rate in seven weeks. At 12 weeks, they have a likelihood of a 92 percent cure rate. The dosage of vaginal boric acid is 1 suppository every day. It should be inserted inside the vagina at bedtime, being a perfect time.

Participants should follow the doctor's instructions carefully. Wash your hands before applying boric acid. You also can take boric acid suppositories without a doctor's prescription, but don't overdo it. There are no known negative health consequences of consuming too much boric acid. In that case, read the instructions on the label carefully.

When you use boric acid suppositories, it will penetrate deep into the tissues of the vagina, where all the yeast infections are located. Once there, it starts getting rid of them immediately. You may also notice some itching after applying boric acid suppositories, but this should not last long. If you experience prolonged itching, consult your doctor for further advice.

Can Boric Acid Be Used for Yeast Infection?

Doctor give advice to patient

Gynecologists recommend boric acid suppositories as an effective medication for yeast infections. However, if you get complications from using boric acid suppositories, there are alternative medications available. Some alternative treatments include probiotic supplements, over-the-counter medications, topical medications, prescription drugs (oral antibiotics), vaginal douches, or natural herbal remedies.

If you have ever had an unpleasant smell coming from your vagina, you may want to try boric acid suppositories because they contain probiotics (good bacteria). Probiotics will reduce the bad odors caused by certain types of bacteria. Most people found that boric acid suppositories are very helpful when treating yeast infections.


Boric acid is one of the popular treatment options for vaginal infections available today. It is highly efficient against various kinds of yeast infections, including bacterial vaginosis. Women with any vaginal infection must consider using boric acid suppositories. They are easy to apply. So, why wait anymore? For more information, contact your gynecologist now!

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