A Simple And Often Ignored Solution To Vaginal Odor

 My confidence was fading.

 I was embarrassed of the smell.

It was like washing myself made me stink more than it cleaned me.
My body is healthy, yet my vagina was smelly.

The feeling of embarrassment when I told my doctor the medication doesn't work.

In the mood yet insecure, I'd look my partner in the eye and just know he wanted to go down on me but it was the odor that was holding him back.

Now the longer I had odor,
the worse it seemed to get.

Being a Womens Heath Coach,
This Piled On The Pressure.

I had an example to set for my clients. If I couldn't solve my own vaginal health issues, then how can I show them?

So even when being odor free felt impossible, I soldiered on. My odor didn't matter when my clients needed me...

But not being able to have sex put a strain on my relationship.

I could feel my husband's dissatisfaction from a mile away.

My marriage was sexless, and any time we tried doing it the odor turned me off.

If my life continued this way any longer I'd lose him, my confidence, and myself.

If I didn't get rid of the odor soon, I would never be able to feel like the woman I once was.

Something Had To Change.

My name is Naomi Moore,
Founder of FlowerPower.

And if you'll stay with me for just a few minutes, I'll show you exactly what helped me turn the combination of excess discharge, recurring yeast infections, and vaginal odor on its head.

And no, this has nothing to do with useless soaps, special yogurts, or douching.

Sure, these might reduce symptoms, but what I'm about to share with you handles vaginal troubles on a biological level.

You see, without dealing with them on a biological level, being permanently free of vagina problems could prove impossible.

Which could be devastating for you because...

There's no life without health

  • You're more likely to get yeast infections and Bacterial Vaginosis (BV).
  • Lack of confidence in the bedroom leads to increased depression and anxiety.
  • You may increase your risk of Pelvic inflammitory disease.
  • Left untreated, it can reduce your chances of pregnancy.
  • Things will most likely get worse causing inflammation and even skin infections.
  • Unsatisfying sex is linked to higher rates of divorce.

My name is Naomi Moore,
Founder of FlowerPower.

And if you'll stay with me for just a few minutes, I'll show you exactly what helped me turn the combination of excess discharge, recurring yeast infections, and vaginal odor on its head.

And no, this has nothing to do with useless soaps, special yogurts, or douching.

Sure, these might reduce symptoms, but what I'm about to share with you handles vaginal troubles on a biological level.

You see, without dealing with them on a biological level, being permanently free of vagina problems could prove impossible.

Which could be devastating for you because...

There's no life without health

  • You're more likely to get yeast infections and Bacterial Vaginosis (BV).
  • Lack of confidence in the bedroom leads to increased depression and anxiety.
  • You may increase your risk of Pelvic inflammitory disease.
  • Left untreated, it can reduce your chances of pregnancy.
  • Things will most likely get worse causing inflammation and even skin infections.
  • Unsatisfying sex is linked to higher rates of divorce.

You try to remind yourself of who you are,
But your pH balance (now out of whack),

Doesn't Listen To Reason...

Instead, it makes the voice in your head more persuasive than ever...

"But it's natural right?"

"A bit of odor never put him off before..."

"You can sort it out tomorrow..."

As the months pass, any progress you attempt to make is replaced with yet again, another yeast infection, BV, discharge, and odor. 

It increases the feelings of anxiety in case anyone can smell this. Causing stress in day to day life.

And the more stressed out you become, the more control you lose over the odor:

“Research has proven the effect that cortisol levels can have on vaginal pH, from sexual discomfort to an increased incidence of infections”

- Dr. Alyssa Liguori, OB/GYN

This Robs Your Body's Ability
To Restore Your pH Balance.

If your body isn't able to restore a healthy pH balance, you're creating a downward spiral that gets worse every day.

You see, there's a natural solution to this which aids your body in the fight of bad, odor and infection-causing bacteria.

It also brings your vaginal flora to the perfect pH balance, and can be used in your sleep.

So the longer you worry about vaginal odor, and experience the side effects of odor, the worse it gets. 

Putting it bluntly...

Let pH imbalance continue any longer, and you could be playing with your health.

But it doesn’t have to be this way…

I was able to avoid this slippery slope when I turned to my friend, Letisha.

She told me, “Don’t worry. I have the answer to get you fresh again.”

“I just did it for the last 2 weeks, and it’s been one of the best vaginal health-improving things I’ve ever done,” she said.

“It’s dramatically improved my sex life. I feel a sense of confidence that I’ve never felt in my life.”

And it’s restored my pH balance. I’ve gone from not being able to hit the gym because I would feel embarrassed of the smell, to being able to workout daily if I want.”

And she shared this secret, often overlooked mineral that I was missing in order to naturally defeat my imbalance and get back on track for being odor-free.

Why This Is the ONLY MINERAL that
Defeats Vaginal Odor at a Biological Level

A 2011 review of boric acid found that it's a safe and economical option for people with vaginal infections.

More recently, a 2016 study found that boric acid suppositories work more effectively than traditional medications.

These studies looked at the effects of boric acid on multiple strains of yeast infections and vaginal infections.

According to the papers, boric acid interferes with the yeast’s natural life cycle, preventing it from growing to become infectious.

Now, you might be thinking: "there are a gazillion vagina care products out there. If boric acid were the solution to vaginal odor - more people would be odor-free."

The Problem is Two-Fold

FIRST: Almost no products on the market address the core issue - pH imbalance.

Becuase vaginal odor and infections are not coming from the outside, you have to solve it inside.

SECOND: If you're only washing the outside you'll never rebalance the pH!

At FlowerPower, we're into becoming the best version of ourselves, and that requires self-awareness and dedication.

So I did about 1.2g a day divided into two doses - and within a week it got rid of my odor for good.

My confidence came back, my body felt cleaner, and even my husband seemed to enjoy sex more!

I'm not exactly a "young lady" anymore.  At 38, and totally nautral, it helped me feel like I was 21 again.

Enough about me, this is about YOU.

Why Boric Acid is the BEST Treatment for most Vaginal Hygiene Issues

One of the biggest misconceptions about vaginal health is that you only experience vaginal odor if you have bad hygiene.

But the TRUTH is, pH imbalance is rarely a hygiene issue - it can be caused by things like sex, exercise, periods, and even synthetic underwear!

Here is a step-by-step explanation of how it all works:

1. A healthy vagina contains a delicate ecosystem of good bacteria that produces an acidic, self-cleaning environment.

2. Life events such as periods, sex, antibiotic use and even exercise can throw off the bacteria’s balance (by lessening the vagina’s acidity).

3. When this happens - bad bacteria thrive and can cause funky odors, itching, discharge and other issues. Without treatment, this can go on for years.

4. FlowerPower’s boric acid helps restore the balance by increasing vagina’s acidity. When the vagina is acidic again, the bad stuff goes away.

The above chart shows how boric acid helps raise the acidity of the vagina by lowering the pH to its normal, acidic levels.

Once your vagina is acidic again, it can continue its magic as an incredible cleaning machine: fighting the nasty microorganisms that cause itch and odor.

It's fabulously simple, extremely fast-acting, and remarkably effective.  

So what's the solution?



We spent years researching and experimenting with all the different solutions to V odor.

We tried virtually every product on the market.
We tried a variety of capsules.

At the end of the day, we realized that most boric acid products used animal gelatin and filler materials!

Plus nobody had found a way to make it easy to use...

So we realized we needed to create this product ourselves.

We brought in some of the smartest gynecologists in the world to work with us, and the result is FlowerPower.

Flower Power Contains Boric Acid in Exactly the Right Dosage in a Fast-Action Vegan Capsule

In fact, as you can see below - these capsules are LIGHT YEARS beyond every other boric acid product on the market...

Because the goal was not just to rebalance your pH, but also transform your vaginal hygiene forever

The Most Effective, Complete, Vegan Boric Acid Formula Ever Created

Flower Power is a complete formula that includes naturally derived boric acid for maximum effectiveness.

There are no filler materials or animal-based gelatine capsules - just the right dosage you need to eliminate vaginal odor, yeast infections, BV, itching, excess discharge and more.

You can use it at any time of the day... and you often feel the difference within half an hour!

Each batch is produced under strict quality control standards within an FDA Approved facility.

Beware of Brands that Don't Supply Pure Vegan Boric Acid

How to Take Flower Power for Fast Results

To use FlowerPower, it's simple and straightforward. Firstly, insert the suppository into your vagina, similar to how you would insert a tampon. Ensure to push it up using your fingertip until you can no longer feel it.

Our product can be used at any time, but many of our customers prefer to use it overnight. This allows FlowerPower to work its magic while you sleep, leaving you with a fresh and optimized vaginal area when you wake up.

Different women use Flower Power for various reasons, some use it during and after their menstrual cycles to refresh their intimate area, while others take it when they sense an impending infection. The choice is yours, and you can use it whenever you feel is best for you.

When experiencing symptoms, continue to use the suppositories until they subside. For added peace of mind, feel free to use 1-2 days after the symptoms have disappeared. For those who are prone to infections, using 2-4 suppositories per week as a preventative measure is recommended. Every woman's body is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Experiment to find what works best for you.

Flower Power Contains Boric Acid in Exactly the Right Dosage in a Fast-Action Vegan Capsule

One Bottle

Flower Power

$27.97 / bottle

($27.97 TOTAL)



Six Bottles

Flower Power

$16.16 / bottle

($97 TOTAL)

Save 46%




Three Bottles

Flower Power

$23.32 / bottle

($69.97 TOTAL)

Save 16%



Jaime G. | Verified Customer

"I am so happy to have bought these FLOWERPOWER™ VAGINAL SUPPOSITORIES – OVERNIGHT ODOR & ITCH RELIEF because they actually work! That embarrassing itch situation I had is GONE! These are easy to use and worth every penny."

Flower Power is So Effective...

We Unconditionally Guarantee It for 60 Days

We understand you might be skeptical. How could an all-natural mineral do so much?

You’ve seen the research.

Flower Power works. And by the time you read this, it will have already changed the lives of thousands of people.

Plus, our company — Opulus Health — has been in business for 15 full years. We stand behind our products and guarantee that they will do what we say they do.

And to make sure you have plenty of time to give our product a fair shot and make your decision, we’re giving you 60 days to decide.

In the highly unlikely event you’re not blown away, we refuse to keep even a penny of your money.

Just contact us, let us know where we could be better, and we will refund you every penny you paid.

No questions asked.

What Doctors Say About Flower Power

Quick and easy way to help restore your vagina back into its optimal health.

"The key ingredient in FlowerPower™ - boric acid - has been proven to be remarkably effective at helping relieve yeast infections, itching, and odor. FlowerPower™ helps revitalize the vagina's natural PH balance, which helps it protect itself."

- Dr. Kiran Iqbal M.D.

FlowerPower™ does it better

"Boric acid suppositories, like FlowerPower™, help restore the vaginal mucosa to more acidic levels. This allows the vagina to help fight microorganisims that can cause itch and odor. FlowerPower™ does it better - their products are made in USA and utilize vegan capsules - something that is likely far safer for the vaginal flora."

- Dr. R. Mabborang, M.D.

 FlowerPower™ uses the highest quality ingredients

"We've compounded boric acid for patients for years. It's proven to be safe and incredibly effective with vaginal burning, odor and itch. FlowerPower™ uses the highest quality ingredients in a vegan capsule, bringing pharmacy-quality products to the comfort of home."

- Dr. Andy Asghar 

FlowerPower™ is a product of years of research

"The benefits of its key ingredient, boric acid, to the normal vaginal flora which helps in fighting off infections, unwanted itching and odor. It helps the vagina return to its normal acidic state. It is natural, cruelty-free, easy to use and most importantly, proven effective."

- Dr. V. Cervantes, M.D.

Roughly $0.53 Per Dose To Rapidly Eliminate Vaginal Odor, Itching, Yeast, BV, Excess Discharge and More
with Flower Power

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