News – Flower Power® Feminine Health


How Long Flights Can Make You Dryer Down There… And What To Do About It

How Long Flights Can Make You Dryer Down There… And What To Do About It

Menopause. Hysterectomy. Antidepressants and birth control pills. These are some of the common causes of vaginal dryness.  But there’s something else that can cause vaginal dryness that you may not know about. And that’s taking long, frequent flights.  Yes, experts are noticing that long flights can trigger vaginal dryness. And if you already have dryness, it can make it much worse.  Here’s how that happens… and what you can do about it.  How Flying Can Make You Dryer Down There Every airline uses air conditioners to keep the cabin cool and comfortable. Air conditioners on airplanes work like any normal...

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How to Keep Your Body Hydrated Without Gulping 8 Glasses of Water A Day

How to Keep Your Body Hydrated Without Gulping 8 Glasses of Water A Day

We all know why it’s important to keep our body hydrated. It boosts our energy level, brain function and physical performance. It prevents headaches and relieves constipation. It even prevents hangovers and helps us lose weight.  On top of that, you’ll be able to get wetter down there. Doctors know you’ll get all those benefits if you’re always hydrated. And that’s why they tell us to drink 8 glasses of water a day.  That’s all well and good. But, let’s be honest with ourselves:  Most of us cannot keep that up.  It’s hard to gulp 8 glasses of water every...

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4 Little-Known Remedies You Should Try to Increase Lubrication Down There

4 Little-Known Remedies You Should Try to Increase Lubrication Down There

If you’re struggling with vaginal dryness, you’ve probably heard all the usual advice. Stay hydrated. Use lubricants. Try hormone replacement.  And those are all well and good. They work for some women but not everyone. They can make living with dryness a bit easier. But most women who struggle with dryness would prefer to restart their natural lubrication. They’d prefer to be able to get wet again. And thankfully, we have good news. We’ve poured over many studies on what works for vaginal dryness. And we’ve discovered some natural remedies that can help you boost your wetness without lubricants.  Here...

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Should You Try Vaginal Rejuvenation? How it can improve your sex life

Should You Try Vaginal Rejuvenation? How it can improve your sex life

Vaginal rejuvenation promises to restore the vagina to what it used to be before childbirth or menopause.  That means more pleasure and no painful sex. It also means more moisture when you’re excited… and of course, no odor or vaginal issues. So today, we’ll talk about this almost miraculous medical procedure and whether or not you should get it.  What is Vaginal Rejuvenation? Vaginal rejuvenation is not a single procedure. It’s a combination of procedures that address various kinds of vagina issues.  The goal is to spruce up the whole vagina and give it a fresh look and feel.  Two...

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The Four Culprits That Throw Off Your pH: Semen, Ovulation, Menopause & Birth Control

The Four Culprits That Throw Off Your pH: Semen, Ovulation, Menopause & Birth Control

Plus what you can do to maintain optimal vaginal health in spite of them The vaginal health battle is won or lost in your pH.  If your vagina is able to keep your pH acidic 24/7, you’ll have a great time. You’ll almost never get an infection. But if your vagina is not able to balance your pH (like most women), then you may be wide open to vaginal issues.  So in this article, we’ll talk about the 4 common culprits that throw off the vagina’s pH. And after that, we'll share what you can do to help your vagina...

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